“I Tradition, science for the protection of health “. conference

Rendezvényünk célja, hogy a Hagyományos Kínai Orvoslás (TCM) által felhalmozott több ezer éves tudásanyag és tapasztalatok megosztásra kerüljenek, hiszen csakis összefogva, a jó gyakorlatok ismeretében tudunk gyorsan és hatékonyan beavatkozni az emberi egészség védelmében. A konferencián magyar és kínai TCM belgyógyász orvosok, akupunktúrás orvosok osztották meg elméleti és gyakorlati tudásukat a hallgatósággal.

A pozitív visszajelzések alapján nagy örömmel vettük tudomásul, hogy a rendezvény sikeresen zárult és kiemelkedő igény mutatkozik a folytatásra.

(Helyszín: Magyarország Chi-Huang Kínai Orvoslási Központ – Mirage Medic Hotel, 1068 Budapest, Dózsa György 88.)

Ancient Knowledge, New Roads for Hungarians’ Health

Numerous participants took part in the large-scale “Ancient Knowledge, new ways. Renewable Traditional Chinese Medicine in Hungary “. conference, focusing on round table discussions on the domestic path of traditional Chinese medicine. To achieve the common goals of Hungary and China, the first step was the Ministerial and Government Decree published in September 2015 (Decree No. 42/2015 (IX.18.) Of the EMMI Regulation on the licensing of healthcare activities performed by a person with a certificate of traditional Chinese medicine) arranges the rules for practicing traditional Chinese practitioners. Specifically, it is an acupuncture who has a medical degree and has completed the HKO training at the University of Pécs Medical School or has graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Department of Medicine of Semmelweis University of Medicine and holds a Chinese medical degree and a license according to the regulation (ie Chinese acupuncture doctor).

There are several forward-looking ideas from the profession representatives who are pushing forward uninterrupted development for traditional Chinese medicine in Hungary.

Thanks to the organization and support of the Central European TCM Association and Dr. Chen Patika, the participants could enjoy an authentic experience of Chinese healing Chinese soups and teas, food spectacles and flavors, as well as Chinese herbs offering unusual visuals. In addition, the TCM Confucius Institute of the University of Pécs enriched the diversity of the event with calligraphy.